Your Services Agreement and Privacy Statement made clearer
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As a Skype user you may be wondering why you're getting this email. Back in October 2011, Skype was added to the Microsoft family. Most Microsoft consumer online products and services are governed by the same Microsoft Services Agreement. You're receiving this email because Microsoft is making updates to the Microsoft Services Agreement to clarify our terms and ensure that they remain transparent for you as a Skype user, and to cover additional Microsoft products, services and features you use.
The Microsoft Services Agreement is an agreement between you and Microsoft (or one of its affiliates) that governs your use of Microsoft consumer online products and services.
Here are some of the most notable changes to the Microsoft Services Agreement:
Coverage for additional services (like GroupMe and Group Messaging) and new functionality and features for covered services (like Skype, Bing and our Rewards program)
Clarifications that your work or school account is covered by different terms
Notice that Xbox now requires that you sign in at least every 5 years to keep your gamertag active
Explanation of data storage limits for OneDrive and factors that could affect syncing and uploading to OneDrive services
You can read the entire Microsoft Services Agreement here. You can also learn more about these updates on our FAQ page here. The updates to the Microsoft Services Agreement will take effect on Septe‍mber 15, 20‍16. If you continue to use our products and services on or after Septem‍ber 15, 20‍16, you are agreeing to the updated Microsoft Services Agreement.
We are also updating the Microsoft Privacy Statement. These updates are described on our FAQ page here, and are effective as of Aug‍ust 2, 201‍6.
If you do not agree, you can choose to discontinue using the products and services, and close your Microsoft account before these terms become effective. If you are a parent or guardian, you are responsible for your child's or teenager's use of Microsoft products and services, including purchases.
Thank you for using Microsoft products and services.
Microsoft Privacy Statement Find out more
Microsoft Services Agreement Find out more
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